Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Let speakers market their books - Raymond writes to the press regarding an NLB outdated policy

My letter to The New Paper is published today, Wed 31st August 2011 on page 17

Our libraries invite local writers to speak on various topics, but the management does not allow the invited speakers to market their books at any presentation. This policy is outdated and needs to be reviewed.

I have on several occasions been invited to speak at libraries on mental health issues and although the books I produce relate very much to the same subject, my requests to market these books to the invited audience have been rejected time and again by the National Library managers. No reason has been given.

Local writers can contribute much to the literary culture here and Singapore should not have such policies that hinder their development.


P.S: After my letter was published, the NLB decided to allow speakers to sell their books. The letter from its Senior Director , published in TNP on 14 Sept 2011 confirms this.

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